Thursday, July 21, 2011
How to stay concentrated in school?
alwys sit wt gd career oriented ppl stay away frm gadgets lik ipod n phone during class mk imp notes also kp a pncl in hand underline imp pts been taught ask qiestions to teachrs it enhnches knowlegde best of luk:)
Is this proof on how hard obama works for the people and how he keeps us safe?
This in itself doesn't constitute "proof," but you're right that he is working hard. According to the article, the policy is meant not only to fight terrorism, but also to stop immigration fraud. Way to go!
Can you guys help me out...?
I have an iPod app called checkpoints and when i press the sign up/register button, it ALWAYS crashes. I am sook annoyed
The guy i like is highly controlling, yet my heart still yearns to see his true self?
Only people who think they are powerless think they can't help others become who they really are. The Shakespeare plays All's Well that ends Well and Taming of the Shrew are stories where someone held the perfect concept for another and they became it. As long as you are unattached to him being something to satisfy your ego, you can work miracles.
Nervous about being a new mom -- any advice?
Totally normal...being completely confident would be the weird thing here! Things will definately change...they will be so much better! Just be sure to make time for you and your husband, go on dates and let a friend take over things for a night :)
What does my dream mean?
its your subconcese telling you that you need to poot your self outthere for her and show her you will do eneything to hold her in you arms. So I would suggjest doing mor with her and maybe if your ready ask her on a date
Durin sex what does it mean?
A guy you been fooling around with says he's gonna knock you up what does that mean? Is he seriouly trying too
She dumped me now she just text me HELP your opinion. ?
my gf dumped me for her ex who was moving back into town. During the two weeks before he came back to town I paid her rent( I'm not a whimp or fool) its caise I made a promise that I would that month, n I keep promises. I even helped her bake some cakes so she could sell them n make money for her n her kids. All the time I was hurting but I believe in doing good to those who wrong u. Well the ex came into town and is now living with her. In the apt that I paid for. But that's not a big deal. Love those who do wrong to you. her daughter was very close to Me. I took her n the kids out all the time n did daddy chores n responsibilities like baby sitting n paying baby sitters. We didn't Hv a perfect releationship n I wasn't the perfect man nor her the perfect woman. I was concerned about her extensive smoking which made her breathing hard n her pot use and her drinking problems. She told me I was trying to change her n she needed someone to accept her for who she is. I guess that means don't worry if ur gf is smoking so much that she has emphysema and drinking so much she is passing out and always angry and trying to tell her to not always be angry all the time but to see things in a different light. Well even after he came into town I text her for a few days just to genuinely know if her n the kids were okay. No response. I figured she had her new life n new man. Her man left town a yr ago and moved back to T ennessee 4 hrs away to be with his kids. Now he returned and is living with her and is on unemployment looking for a job . WHY�WUD�U�MOVE�BACK�TO�LIVE�WITH�UR�EX 4 hrs away and look for a job?? I did then meet this lady n we now talk for hrs every day. We have such a connection and we both love it. She works for an airline in Europe and is visiting the United States for 2 weeks... And guess what.. We r going to meet. in her own words she said we click so well. Today my ex sent me a text saying Goodmorning how are you? I am wondering if I shud respond? And why is she bothered?
What kind of monk carries a tortoise through airport security?
I was just walking through airport security and I saw man in taupe clerical robes carrying a tortoise through the security checkpoint. WTF! Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on?
What are the consequences for driving while being high off of marijuanna in california?
I have my card. I went through a checkpoint. What are the consequences? Fines, time, ect? They booked me over night, and I have court in two weeks.
Do i Absolutely need a photo id to fly to Hawaii?
i heard a rumor that all you need to present at the TSA checkpoint is your bording pass. is this the same with flying to Hawaii
Little big planet 2...two questions?
so i have made a cooperative level(race) couldnt make versus as if one player died, he could spawn again. i wanna know if we can change the size of the checkpoints or even hide them(they hav to stay hidden if i publish the level), or if a player dies at a spot, he could respawn at the same location or a little back. 2nd question is- Ive placed a scoreboard at the end of the level. and ive selected a few prizes for the "level aced" option. when i change to play mode and complete it, irrespective of how many prize/score bubbles i collected and how many lives i lost, the scoreboard shows 100% as my score and i get the rewards for "level aced".......and it doesnt show my score
Going on a "date" with my ex, please help?
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and living together most of the time, I am 5 months pregnant with his baby, but a week ago he decided he wants a "break" which im totally unsure what that even means. And he moved out with another girl, but insists they are only friends and its only temporary so he has aplace to live for now. which i hate to accept but i do believe. Even if he is fooling around with her, i know he loves me, he even still says he does and doesnt love her,plus were on a "break" but he says hes not seeing anyone and doesnt want me to either, its only a break. I asked him if he would go out on canada day with me, but instead he invited me with him and his friends. I want him back soo bad but i know he wants his space, I feel like this is my chance, other than my chance in another week when we are going to the ultrasound together to see the gender of the baby. Which if this doesnt work out I am hoping he will fall for me agian on that day.How can I act on this "date" to not make me look too pushy or make it awkward for us? I want him to look at me and want me back I want him to try and kiss me and hug me, we are going to see fireworks and Im so nervous! I want him back so bad!
Why printers can't work with open doors?
So I have this HP Officejet L7680 and it doesn't work because the cartridge door broke and everything I put in the sensor hole to fool the machine that the door is closed, now doesn't work either. The door was removed 3 years ago and the printer has been functioning with a stick in the sensor hole. I need to use this printer and I find it ridiculous that this is stopping it. Can someone help me with my printer and also tell me why it can't work with the door open?
Why do thiests make up these rediculous threats/loopholes as if atheists are dumb?
Because they are the ones who are "dumb". What frightens the ignorant and delusional rarely frightens those who understand how the world works.
Am i a complete failure?
I feel your pain bro. I suck at everything that can make me popular (but I am in all honors) I tried BMX and skating. Then I started airsoft and running and ever since then I've felt better. If you draw good, you do have talent and you are good at something. :)
"UPDATE" Has a police officer ever arrested someone for obstruction only to find the person was deaf ?
I didn't have a clue what the trooper was saying i asked him to repeat himself and that I couldnt hear what he was saying ! He thought I was lying and arrested me for obstruction. It was a mere traffic stop at a safety checkpoint and i was a backseat passenger . i had know idea the trooper was even talking to me in the first place ! I finally heard him say to give him my ID and when i first heard him say it i retrieved it and he said "TOO LATE NOW!" off to jail I went ! Pled Not guilty have a bench trial next month ! Should I just bring my VA paper work showing my hearing loss ? Iwas turned over to the local city police who was not even at the check point at the time it happened. The local town officer actually was the one who wrote up the charge ! He was actually attending to another vehicle on the other side of the highway ! 4 lanes and a median away ! The troopers put me in the local cops car and then 45 minutes later he took me to the county jail ! It seems kind of shady to me ! I live in a town of less then 600 residence been here for 7 years and never met either of the 2 cops !
If god is omniscient does that mean he knows what people will choose to do or not?
You are correct. 'Free will' means making definite something that was previously indefinite. When I choose which pair of shoes to put on I have created 'something' that did not exist, and YHVH Himself didn't 'know' which pair I would put on. He does know how He will end this mess, and no one can stop Him, and in that sense He 'KNOWS the end. " Not knowing something that is not there to be known is not a form of ignorance, just as not seeing something that is not there to be seen is not a peculiar form of blindness." We have been so misled by foolish people who thought they were 'magnifying' 'god' though in fact they were misunderstanding Him, that the truth seems funny, and out of focus.
Fellow Americans: They killed Bin Laden and now they're tellin 'ya that there's going to be even MORE...?
Who exactly do you think you are talking to, that would stand for that? Because I don't think that 'Gee Wally' is on here right now.
PSN broke my heart why must this be.?
I will start by saying I am a huge Sony nut. Before everything went down I bought plenty of merchandise from the psn. I was subscribed to Playstation plus and I was even apart of there Playstation awards beta which I coincidently received a shirt for being apart of it the other day. Coincedence I think not. I also have a psp and a robust amount of games. Even with the welcome back program I still can't find faith and I am becoming upset everyday that it's off. Not only is this upsetting because I can't play online which I play a lot, but just the other day I was playing borderlands and I reached a checkpoint and I got some message that the data was corrupt and i had to delete my data I was a very high level by the way. I know that it's not the fault of the psn but it added to my frustration. Sony fans help me the word xbox keeps on popping up in my head and it won't leave.
Are there any immigration checkpoints traveling from california to las vegas on greyhound bus?
No, there are only immigration checkpoints by international borders. However, there can be police checkpoints at any time.
Why do I feel relief now that he doesn't answer?
Your relief is understandable; your instincts told you this was not THE relationship, and now that you've realized it in your "conscious" mind, you know you are free to concentrate on what's important to YOU. I wish you well.
No cell-phones while driving! But what about drinking coffee and applying make-up?
It's about driving responsibly. I try not to do things that distract me while driving because I don't want to hurt someone else or myself for something that could have waited until i was stopped. I don't answer the phone while I'm driving either be ause not everything that is important is urgent. And if I am dead what did it accomish anyway. Every cell phone has voice mail and caller ID so whats the rush?
Netgear N600 Installation HELP!?!?
Ok I'm good with computers but not so much routers and modems and gateways and such.....I followed the cd instructions perfectly they even show you what to do that part is fool proof. The router cd than says we determined you use a static ip please type in your Default Gateway, DNS Servers, IP Adress and Subnet....I went into cmd prmpt did ipconfig /all wrote them all down jotted them in there and it constantly says internet connection failed after about two mintues of tryen to connect....Any other suggestions on what i should do or any other ways to find my information maybe i have the wrong ones..?
Why am i so bad at interacting with girls? is it them or me?
so ill meet a girl, after gathering up the guts to talk to her, and itll start well, but all of a sudden, it goes downhill, and i dont know what to say, and i start shaking, and barely moving, how the hell can i just not give a damn and just pull a chick effortlessly? i feel like sometimes a girl just isnt intrested in me, but i cant tell, or im kepping my hopes up..but what can i do to make sure i dont look like a fool so at least she cant say i was a nervous wreck with no game?
Why are my emotions having input on my decisions? How can I eliminate them or suppress them for good?
Don't. Never eliminate emotions... It's very risky. Just let yourself be whoever you want to be, and live life knowing you still don't give a flying **** what anyone thinks. Emotions are natural. They are meant to be. Don't exaggerate, but don't destroy them either. If you get into an argument, announce how you really feel. (be considerate, but still give your point of view!).. Same goes with everyone else. I'm in 9th grade, and I got along far being the oddball. I have very few friends, but the ones I have know me as well as I know myself. And that's because I don't hide anything about myself. If I like something, I'll say it. If I hate something, I'll say it. If I'm sad, I won't cry in public--but I won't bottle it up. Because that results in emotional explosions that are inevitable. Be who you are. Don't try to impress anyone. Just do what you want to do.
The guy i like is highly controlling, yet my heart still yearns to see his true self?
sorry to tell you this but you are seeing his "true self". you are not going to change him to make him the man "you" want the world to see him as. the reason he is controlling is because he does fear the uncontrollable, hence he controls. your heart yearns for the person you think he can be not for the person you think he wants to be. he is happy being the way he is. why be with someone who thinks your a fool. why would you want to live your life acting like someone controls you because in the end he will control you. im sorry but the truth speaks volumes.
Hey im going to an overnight camp for 4 nights 3 days and 2 5hour bus rides?
Do you know what i should bring and what i want to know most i dont wanna look like a fool so how big of a suitcase would i need, theres hiking lots of sports and a ton of mud and getting dirty involved, im a guy. the camp is called camp eagle at rockspriings texas its a church camp so if your going you might know what to bring
If Valve make L4D3, do you think it'll be on PS3?
Don't see why not. would be foolish for Valve to forgot about a 50 Million Market out there PS3 Gamers..that's why I think you can expect to see Left 4 Dead 3 Hitting a Sony PS3 Console..
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Isn't it logically possible?
It is possible. Europeans weren't the only ones to enslave Africans. Arabs, Mongolians, and other Africans did too. Every race did ****** up stuff at some point in history.
Major computer help! (VIRUS!) WIN XP?
Hi, I've encountered a problem with this stupid spyware called Win XP 11 home security or something like that. I KNOW it's not legit, it's spyware. I honestly do NOT know how it came here. Ok, so, I got the virus, then I've ran a system restore to three days ago. It was working fine last night until I got the virus AGAIN at the EXACT same time as i got it two days ago. (Does this make sense to you? Might sound a little weird.) It suddenly overrides my firewall, and my ESET NOD32, not to mention my Malware Antibytes. So I just did another system restore to three days ago (That is my ONLY checkpoint I have. And, when I try to open ANYTHING, it gives me this 'open with' prompt. I think my registry keys are corrupt from this stupid Spyware. How do I fully get rid of it? I read on Microsoft a way to help me, but I need to run as Administrator. How do I get on Admin mode? What should I do? Please help me! I'm so lost right now, it's very frustrating as I've been working until 3:30 AM for the past two nights trying to rid of this spyware/virus/whatever. I don't even have a bank account on this laptop or ANYTHING valuable. Should I reformat? If so, How? Thank you everyone!
Why is activision so greedy?
To be honest, I don't really mind Call of Duty. I play Nazi Zombies a lot, I usually finish veteran singleplayer (although cod5 was hard), and I have a bit of fun with multiplayer, until it gets old and too many people use cheap weapons. Anyway, I wanted to know what all the fuss was about with the new map packs, so I purchased Ascension. It was an alright zombie map, although the color made it a necessity for me to turn on the power before I got a headache. The multiplayer maps were completely terrible, with the exception of Stadium. They were all dull, had almost the exact same color scheme as the other maps, and were very bad, containing many camping spots. I didn't think too much about it. Honestly, I thought the map pack was alright. The price irritated me a bit. I payed around 10-15 dollars to buy a pack of terrible maps that should have been free. Then, activision released a new map pack, Call of the Dead was the name of the zombie map, which was all that I really care about in Call of Duty anyway. I wasn't so hasty to buy the map pack yet, so I waited for a while, expecting a sale to come out soon, sort of what Bungie did in Halo. No sales come out. I start watching the videos about the new zombie map. I couldn't even believe how terrible it looked. They try to add a new plot line to the map, which, in my opinion, was total crap, they seemingly took the ship portion of the Black Ops campaign mission, Project Nova, and added some terrible easter eggs and a devilishly hard sequence for one achievement. That is ridiculous! Don't you think that Activision should have done what Ubisoft did with AC:B and made map packs free? Seriously, that's about 90 dollars down the drain for one game with a few added map packs that should have been free, in my opinion. Maybe instead of working so hard on devising schemes to suck all the money out of Americans, they should have worked harder on the whole game, such as fixing campaign missions, adding checkpoints to the game so that you don't have to complete half the campaign mission with one checkpoint, fixing spawns in multiplayer, balancing killstreaks... anyway, that was just my little rant. So tell me, why do you think that Activision keeps trying to squeeze money out of us? In fact, on Steam (which i use) most games of equal value to black Ops are about half the price of black ops itself! Why do people keep buying map packs if they have to pay so much for it?
In Half Life 2 just after obtaining the rocket launcher and taking down the gunship, I am stuck in a room...?
...with one of those Vortigaunt(spelling?) who is standing in front of the door. It's a little house to the left if you're facing the gate, with the barn that Col. Cubbage is in to the right. I've tried stacking bed frames to no avail and the windows are too thin for me to jump through. I am pretty sure I've suffered this glitch before. Any ideas (besides restarting the checkpoint and NOT going in that room)?
What is the song Blake strips to in the episode "Checkpoint Gnarly" on Workaholics?
You can rewatch the episode online at the site, type the lyrics on google, and the song should pop up!
Should I get over her, should I move on?
I'm sorry but I think you ought to move on, if it's meant to happen it will, who knows. Good luck! But I would just get over her.
Religious question to religious people?
Please take and pay attention while in a remedial English class. Capital letters and punctuation are your friends.
When is the Supreme Court allowed to make exceptions to the Constitution?
The problem is your answer assumes that giving that information violates the 5th Amendment. The job of the Supreme Court is to interpret the laws, and that involves making exceptions. The Supreme Court isn't "passing" any law, rather, they are telling us what the Constitution means. That is the job of the Court and the judiciary. In order to, as you put it "defend the Constitution," we must know what the Constitution means. Law isn't just about strict application of every word. It is acceptable to weigh different factors when making a determination, such as public safety, health, and welfare. This doesn't mean the Court can make exceptions at any time. The Court's job isn't just to say "unconstitutional" or "constitutional." Your question is already slanted in that you rest on assumptions about what the Constitution means, when in reality, that is a hotly debated issue.
To libs who justify illegal immigration by referring to the Native Americans of the past?
And how the white settlers came and took over, doesn't it logically follow (using lib 'logic' of course) that EVERY current law in the US land is invalid, including the US constitution?
Get ALOT of Points and coins on the CheckPoints App or get free itunes codes without signing up for stuff?
Not sure how...But if you sing up you dont get sent any advertising, which is nice. When I signed up I put in the BONUS CODE: toon1334. The code gave me a lot of points and a giftcard to itunes!!
Is being cold more of a turn on?
calm down ishaan it isnt that serious. as a guy it isnt for me, but if it pleases her more id be more than willing
Checkpoints app help?
so i just discovered the checkpoints app a week ago and now i have 1002 checkpoints. Well today i checked in to somewhere and it gave me 10 points so i thought it would do that from now on. Then i tried to check in again and it only gave me 2. I have seen some people get 5 also. Does anyone know why the number changes? Also if you dont have checkpoints download it and use my referral link bostnmagic. When you use a referral link you get 300 to start instead of 200. Thanks to anyone who can help
At a wrestling camp and friends make excuses not to wrestle?
Why is this? Are they intimidated by me? I don't like to fool around during practice but they do, and we're in the same weight class. What should I tell them
I dont know what to do/need a purpose ?
i am not connecting this to anything religious or biased in anyway i simply need someone to help me choose what too do with my life because i cant remember the last time i was properly happy like the sort of happy you deeply feel i think logically and coldly most times i'm a teenager with 1 good friend as most of the others are all over come with emotions and hormones whereas when I'm emotional i can differentiate hormonal emotions with thinking logically about the situation so i don't truly feel much meaning i cant do what makes me feel good as i really don't know what the point is when we all end up in a coffin anyway however soon or late that maybe. Also ive ready a few other questions like this and please spare me of all the god exists answers as there is no solid proof which leads me to believe that man invented god as a means of a purpose to blindly follow as nobody really knows. which sounds stupid as im asking the question but i guess can anyone help me with this problem ??
Does this sound like a good plan?
If you have no problems living with your family and going to CC,then by all means GO!! You'll be saving a ton of money and getting the same degree in the end. The only problem I could foresee is that you'd be missing out on the "college experience" that seems to be overrated anyway.
How to be confident jumping?!?
Whenever I jump I always chicken out and its become a problem because I have taught my horse to run out :( And I'm going to have to jump a jump bigger then usual for a one of my classes (hunter hack) I dont want to look like a complete fool, any tips or such that helped you? An yes I have a riding instructor.
How do I get over feeling so sad and confused?
As the saying goes, "He's Just Not That Into You." See it for what it is, and believe you deserve better! You feel sad and down because it's not fulfilling no matter how hard you try to force this to work, or wish harder, it's not meant to be. Keep searching, let this frog go back to the swamp!
Why do some people think it is cruel to have a snake for a pet?
Snakes and reptiles are not domesticated, dogs are. Though they may have been born in captivity they are not tame like a dog is and likely never will be. Snakes also eat mice and rats which people think is cruel especially live. It doesn't matter how much you take care of it, in a non-snake lovers eyes its cruel to own snakes as they eat mice and other animals.
What kind of lawyer should I get to sue mcdonalds?
I had some weird things in my drink like some sharp pieces of something. They told me they were going to send it to the manufacturers to see what it was but I have not heard anything back and what pissed me off was the dude from the insurance company he was acting very nasty to me when I was telln him the story. He acted like I was lying. All I wanted to know was what and why was this in my drink because it could have killed or hurt me. I want to take the next step im thinking about contacting media . But I kno im goin to need a lawyer isnt there one u can call and u dont have to pay anything till u win? What should I do because I also have a 2000$ hospital bill because of these fools to make sure I was ok .
I think that the girl that you like is just playing games with you and is trying to get others involved in it. Either she likes you or she doesn't. I would move on if I were you.
Do you believe short lived relationships can still make an impact on you? What is your sign..?
i had a short 4 months relationship with a leo, then a few other short months relationship and then last relationship was with a pisce that lasted slightly less than a yr....up till now i still considered the leo relationship as the deepest and most memorable one....its all about how deep that relationship was..., some relationships may be too cliche too boring too not exciting while other ones were so deep so emotionally drawn into it that may eventually impact the way u think about "love" and concept of i say a short lived ones that was very deep could definitely impact u. I gotta say, u leo girls make cancer dudes feel DEEP about y'all, y'all lions are crazzzzzay!
Good eating plan for a 12-year-old girl?
So a good eating plan and an exercise plan would really help me in getting in shape and be able to keep up with the team
Is there somthing wrong with my girlfriends vagina?
She and I have been dating for over a year and over the past week we have tried to have sex twice.(both of us for the first time).We make out for like 2 hours and fool around and oral and what not,so by the time were ready to have sex she is plenty moist.The only problem is i cant seem to get it in more then like an inch.I dont have a big penis 7 inches fully erect,and its not really that wide so it cant be me.Does having more sex fix this problem or does she just have a small vagina?
Is there any checkpoints between El Paso, TX and Albuquerque, NM?
My friends and I are going to some concert next weekend and I was wondering if there was any checkpoints because I do not have a drivers license and the the car I drive is under my mom's name.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Can you drive through checkpoint 300?
Is there a way to drive through checkpoint 300 from Jerusalem to Bethlehem? Or, can you only walk through? Can Israelis cross freely going towards Bethlehem?
Where can i learn or translate english transliteration of arabic words?
I want to be able to learn or get translation of "english transliteration" of arabic words? For example i want to know what "majnoona" means? I know already now it means "fool" but i want to be able to translate all english transliteration words
Has he thought about sex with me...?
Most guys imagine sex with you the first time they see you. So the answer to your questions is most definitely yes..... and probably hundreds of times.
Halo Reach: How to get "A Monument To All Your Sins" Achievement?
If there are websites or videos to help you do them quickly please tell me. And also if I use a second controller so I don't have to respawn to the last checkpoint and I disconnect it right before the end of the mission, would I have technically done this alone?
At a wrestling camp and friends make excuses not to wrestle?
Are they intimidated by me? I don't fool around but they like to, and we're in the same weight class. What should I tell them?
How good is Dynasty Warriors 7?
Dynasty Warriors 7 is one of those games that really only appeals to a certain niche of gamers. And that’s totally fine. Dynasty Warriors fans are going to find a whole lot to like with Dynasty Warriors 7, including an expansive set of options that will keep players busy for a very long time. But for everybody else, playing Dynasty Warriors 7 will be a chore.
Duke Nukem Forever Gunslinger achievement?
so im about halfway through the game right now and im working toward the gunslinger achievement, which is to carry the gold pistol throughout the whole campaign. However, i accidentaly dropped it for a second, but picked it up and reloaded the checkpoint. will i still get the cheevie?
OMG. If you are serious you need some major help. Go to the doc and tell him exactly what you have just said here. He will give you something to make it all go away. Then get another job and a house and move on.
Is there a single "contradiction" in the Bible that cannot be explained contextually?
God is good and righteous but sends a couple of bears to kill a bunch of children for calling a guy bald. That makes no sense unless you cheapen morality to mean "whatever God says is good is good, and goodness has nothing to do with suffering and happiness of sentient beings, just whatever the heck God feels like at the time."
I am 22, and I keep thinking about having kids, what's up?
Your logic tells you you don't need a family, truth is everyone needs someone to love. Your heart is telling you that a family life is what you truly want and need.
What does checkpoint and smaller objective means?
checkpoint means a place (as at a frontier) where travelers are stopped for inspection and clearance
Logically, when does a "clump of cells" become . . .?
a baby? Can people have a "baby shower" even if the baby is not born yet? What is the law?
Facebook account locked?
My facebook account is locked when i log in i have to go through checkpoint and after that it says No verification methods are currently available. Please come back later. what to do i am waiting from long time but it keep saying no verification method is available plz help me
Do you have the ability to auto-save on 3rd Birthday (PSP)?
While playing the third installment of Parasite Eve, I found the map layouts to be rather extensive. Saving the game is only effective when working on the main control room computer. In the levels, there appears to be no checkpoints... so quitting half-way, would cause you to start from the very beginning. Are there checkpoints or any way to save within a long level?
Emotional breakdowns over the meaning of life and much more?
i feel like i literally just read my journal haha i was just like u and i agree that stuff is freaky and i know what i am about to say may kinda sound...strange for you to hear but i truely suggest you picking up a bible because christianity is the only think that ever really made sence to me and i used to be like u until i came to christ and he truely showed me the light...just something to think about
How come my eyes water and my nose gets a bit runny when i sing?
haha when i try to sing a song that i dont have the range for this happens. and when i do karaoke i have to wear sunglass! why does this happen i look like a fool
Plz helppppppppp for god's sake?
I'm in grade 8, and the checkpoint examinations are this week, so is this type of scientific calculator allowed , Casio FX-570ES, plz help,
I can't do maths! Help!?
Rosie you are not alone in your struggle with math. Many others for whatever reason have great difficulty. Usually to balance a deficit, there will be extraordinary skills in other areas. My advice is to build on your positives and do your best on the negatives. Try tutoring to fill in any gaps in skills that you may not understand. Good Luck!
A question to Republicans?
Where do you Republicans get off criticizing the president of the United States especially during a war time? You should all be charged with treason and put in jail. Why do you fools complain about taxes don’t you know that all the money that any individual makes rich or poor belongs to the government. You guys should be thanking Obama for allowing you to keep what you have yet you criticize him. Please explain yourselves is it because you are all racists?
Can i bring dry bamboo onto delta airlines?
Hi, i was wondering if i am allowed to bring dry bamboo onto the airplane and stuff. i know that sometimes you can only buy food from the stores after the TSA checkpoint
IMPORTANT and somewhat urgent question about u.s. immigration for spanish class?
*Employ more technology and provide additional training for agents to detect suspicious behavior. Adding more checkpoints could also help.*
Do you think Federal Government should be like City Government, where every bill has to come with funding..?
what city do you live in? Chicago,NYC, and other liberal controlled cites HAS HUGE DEBT. I will never understand why people wants a small group of people decide what the population can or cannot do. When local governments pass laws to ban happy meals--plastic bags--guns--trans fat-----to me, that is OVERSTEPPING what the government is responsible for
Does anyone have checkpoints the app?
Does anyone have checkpoint the app on there iPod touch or iPhone if u do but for the bonus code geowater
Why shouldn't the Bible be looked at logically?
I've been told multiple times that I read too much into the Bible and when I find possible loopholes, that I need to "stop reading it like a legal document". No offense meant, but if it is the Word of God- why wouldn't you want to read it like a legal document? You are signing your soul over to him and wouldn't it be air-tight? No room for misinterpretation?
What would you do in this situation? Help!?
Don't contact this guy. You deserve a guy that will treat you well and he isn't going to. If you do contact him, you've just given him permission to start the same cr*p all over again. He hasn't even apologized so he doesn't even understand that he has done anything wrong. He thinks that you are something he can play with when he is bored and doesn't have anything better to do.
Can i trust video reward center ? please go . they say if i complete the survey i 'll get ipad 2 . and i need to comfirm with sms . please . i don't want they fooling me .
Monday, July 18, 2011
Is checkpoints legit? If it is I just scored 25$!?
So I downloaded the app "checkpoints" and entered hotpink797 for a bonus code that was supposed to give me extra points and it did and Im using the points for bath and body works gift card but I have to input my adress for it to be shipped to. So my question is is it safe to input my adress or am I gonna en up with a bunch of spam mail. Thanks!
Could my girlfriend be pregnant?
My girlfriend and I are both virgins, and we decided not to do anything until she's 18, but she came over to my house and we started fooling around. Next thing you know were both naked, but were not going to have sex. I made contact with the outside of her vagina for about two seconds with my penis (no penetration at all, just at the mouth of it) and i believe i had pre-*** on my penis. however i had not ejaculated in the past 24 hours, and even if i had, i had urinated 30 minutes before. that was two months ago, and she's had her regular period twice since then, however on her last period, she had cramps so bad that she began to cry. is pregnancy possible?
What should I do?.. (Long story)?
I went through the same thing last year as a freshman. The boy I love got into a relationship with my best friend, who started to hate me for no reason. Every day I would see him and die a little. It was horrible. It gets better, everything does. For awhile people were so mean to me that I almost switched schools. The most impotent thing is to try to focus on what you do have. Sports, grades, anything. It was so hard, I almost killed myself. Im still in love with him and hurts everyday, but life goes on:) good luck!
Comparing myself to the woman he cheated with?
Get therapy. Don't text him or see him. He's a cheater, and if you get back with him, he will do it again.
Is there imigration checkpoint from kansas to las vegas?
Is there immigration checkpoints from kansas to las vegas and if so what do I need to have and how long is the wait...
Need help with a song I heard on the radio. Only heard it once when I was waking up. Think it's an R&B?
song. It's a male singer. Could be R&B or top 40 - Lyrics are something like - "darling please don't make a fool of me. cuz i'm down on my knees begging baby please...darling please don't bring me down. cuz i'm down on my knees begging baby please. I know EVERY song in the world has similar lyrics bc I googled and searched all over to find this song. Can anyone help?
Do you like this one hear!?
Sorry but that is REALLY corny. The rhymes are decent but just not the greatest. Try making more pop or soul songs
Your hand looks fine, your arm is probably just tired from the window washing. Don't worry so much, and if you are still concerned just ask a doctor =)
How can I reach the CBP office in LA?
I would like to contact an officer at the immigration checkpoint of Custom and Border Protection in Los Angeles. I need any contact information to reach them. Thank you very much.
Is there border patrol present in the Texas cities of Dallas or Austin?
I will be road tripping around there, so I wanted to know if they were present anywhere outside of airports (I don't mean just checkpoints, I want to know if any of their vehicles roam around those two cities).
Am i pregnant? no penetration but weird brown discharge?
so two days ago my bf and i were fooling around. i was giving him a handjob and although he didnt ejaculate i stopped when i saw that his hole was a little wet. later, he fingered me for the first time and it hurt a lot but i still got kinda wet, staining the first layer of my underwear a little but not completely through. later, we started makin out and i felt him lightly rubbing his penis on my undies, the only thing separating us. afterwards, when we cuddled, he asked if he could put his penis against my butt and i said yes. it didnt feel wet. yesterday, i got some blackish stuff on my underwear and today, i noticed dry brown discharge? the day we fooled around was also the 7th day of my period so there was prety much no blood. what are the chances that im pregnant?
Do you have to be able to live in a sorority house to rush at Mizzou freshman year?
University of Missouri at Columbia to be more specific. Someone said that you didn't have to live there your first year rushing but I wanted to double check before I made a fool out of myself.....
Why Am I feeling Like This?
Awh ur not alone, everyone has these problems, you're too busy thinking about it, when you could be enjoying your summer!!
Entering Canada from USA by car: is there checkpoints or can you come & go as you please?
Do they have checkpoints all along the Canadian border or is it easy to just enter and leave? Once you enter do you have to register somewhere? I don't want to bother renewing my passport if I can help it. Can I just enter with a USA driver's licence (it is our national identification card here) if I'm just spending a month or so vacation?? Thank you.
What do you think it will be like for Justin Bieber's next girlfriend after he's dated Selena Gomez?
Wow I never really thought of it that way... I think that JB will be forced into more celebrity relashionships, and never actually have time for a REAL girlfriend.
Atheists, how can you not believe in the bible when...?
it has withstood the test of time and has had billions of followers? Do you honestly feel that a book as important as the bible would have endured aftter all this time if there was not some amount of truth to it? The bible happens to be a true testament of our history you fools!!! I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to accept him as your lord and savior or get off of r&s and let the true believers in Christ rejoice in his almighty presence!!
Xbox 360 freezing alot?
It seems since the latest update my 360 seems to freeze it only does it on newer games. E.g. Ive had oblivion since i first got my xbox in 2006, it works perfectly fine. 2008 I got a elite after my first xbox red ringed twice... Anyway I recently got HUNTED and G.R.A.W 2 (GRAW being preowned) both freeze on hunted I had to restart the same checkpoint 5-7 times not from dying just restarting my console it became a race against time rather than being able to enjoy the game. Anyone else having freezing problems or do I invest in a slim? lol
Since when does putting on a team's jersey suddenly make you a fan of that team?
No it doesn't. A lot of people that wear jerseys are bandwagoners. Just because you're wearing a Canucks jersey doesn't make you a fan. Many people that went downtown whether they rioted or not, aren't actually hockey fans they just went along with the crowd to have a good time, and they only bought jerseys to join in on the fun. But just to clarify, there were Canucks fans that joined the riot. They didn't start it but they joined in because they were drunk and stupid. Some could have been real fans, some could be bandwagoners like I mentioned above, probably mostly bandwagoners. However the riot was started and mostly done be people who were there only to start a riot. I believe they were from an organization that also rioted during the Olympics and G20. They brought a truck to burn, balaclavas, fuel and other stuff. They only bought jerseys in order to blend in with the fans cheering. There were also people mostly from the suburbs who came only to drink and fight. So no, just because you wear a Canucks jersey or any jersey does NOT automatically make you a fan of the team.
Is my EX-GF playing games or actually interested?
My girlfriend of a year and a half broke up about 3 month ago. It was messy and we have just know started talking to eachother again without surcumbing to arguements. She has finally let the cat out of the box and explained to me how she feels and what she is looking for. She told me that she still cares about me alot and she misses me, but she can not be in a relationship at the stime. She wants to find out if she can be happy on her own. (divorced, we started dating right after the divorce). I have been over to her house 2x now. The first night, we ended up fooling around and she start crying. She said "this does not feel right and that she cares about me so much. She siad"i do not just want to be a booty call" She got very affectionate and i ended up leaving about an hour later. The next night we talked and i kissed her a few times. Towards the end she started to get a little hesitient but still kissed me back. I asked her if she would be interested in going to dinner with me this Saturday and she said"well, we nver really had a real first date"..She then smiled and said she would go. She has made it clear that we are not back together and that she is not ready for that move at this time. I understand that. We have not talked in 4 days, i am trying to give her some space to think about everything before we actually go out. I do not intend on bringing up the past unless she does. I am madley in love with this girl and i want nothing more than for her and i to be together. I want to know if she is palying some sort of weird game with me? I understand she is confused, but i just dont want to go into this if she is not sincere. What are your thoughts?
I mistakenly waived my rights to a jury trial !?
I just realized that in a town of 600 people and the judge is elected by a city council of 7 , After the fact, I don't want a bench trial, I want a jury and a public defender appointed to me for a minor obstruction charge against one of the only 2 cops in town who wrote me an obstruction charge from what a state trooper told him I did at a safety checkpoint as a passenger and that would be not moved fast enough !!! i made a mistake in requesting a bench trial and realize I will lose even though I am right ! What can i do In WHIGHAM, GA. Google it ! its pathetically small !
Does anyone have the checkpoints app for iPod/iphone?
I want to invite friends, but everytime I press register or sign up, the whole app crashes. It crashes everytime I want to make an accoun and it's annoying the heck out of me. Does anyone have this problem?
What do i do im really broody!!?
im 21 and im really broody! i have been since i turned 20. but my partner doesnt want kids till im thirty (well thats how he feels at the moment) and i know logically im not in the ideal position to have a child for example id have to move house again and get another job etc but i still get insanely broody and jealous whenever i watch programmes about pregnancy or when my colleague and manager talk about there pregnancies. is there anyway i can control this?
Do you agree with supporters the illegals at the Mexico border are harmless & pose no threat?
they are not the innocent hardworking god fearing people that they would like to portray themselves. the numbers of them that are caught committing crimes is staggering. even more so, are the one who get away with crimes. it is easy, as they have no drivers license, no ssn, no home address, etc, they are like untraceable criminal ghosts
Boy drama ..... Advice please .?
Im sorry but ANY guy who tells you one thing and tells another girl a different story is a wanna be player and you need to SERIOUSLY kick his *** to the curb. Youre much better off without him and no guy that was worthy of being with a chick needs to have broken up that many times. I think youve givin this kid as many chances as hes gonna need for your relationship to work out. Listen to your head and leave,your heart will only tell you what you FELT in the past. Sorry but youre better off without him.
Scared of having an anxiety attack on first day of my new job?
Just tell yourself that it's nothing you haven't been though before. You've worked at a call centre and had to learn a job before. Nobody can expect perfection on your first day, and they won't judge you too harshly if you make a small mistake here and there.
What is the security with boatshows ? - 10 points?
Everyone didn't go home. I'm sure there are Armed Guards patrolling, and cameras everywhere. I'd bet many of the boats have on-board security cameras////// they are a $300 USD option these days and are effective world wide.
Is going through a TSA checkpoint a spiritual experience for you or a sexual one?
Neither! I do not wish to have some pervert look under my clothing. Thanks to the 911 terrorists the USA has lost some rights that we will never get back. Bin Laden may be dead but his legacy of making the United States into a fear mongering nation that spies on it's own citizens and forces their citizens to go through virtual strip searches or enhanced pat downs or for the unfortunate random person, they get to go through both (and even a very invasive strip search) just to board an aircraft. I really wish The United States can return to what it was before 911 but sadly this isn't possible. Now every US Citizen is treated as if they are potential terrorists even though very few US Citizens are terrorists. Probably less than 1% of US Citizens are terrorists but the remaining 99% of us have lost our rights because of both foreign and domestic terrorists which isn't right. I doubt God would approve of the TSA!
Which of these online teen magazines names for good?
Hey, Yeah! is the best one in my opinion. The other ones don't make a lot of sense. If you dont wanna use that one, make it a sarcastic or cheeky or funny title.
Should i move in with my boyfriend now?
Okay, you make some compelling reasons for moving in. I would suggest, however, that it is unreasonable to expect you can live with him and not have sexual relations. After all, if the two of you love each other and even begin kissing it is very easy for one thing to lead to another. I would say sex is almost a guarantee within the first 30 days of living together. But that's not a problem in itself, pregnancy is the problem. And yes, you can avoid that by going on the pill. You seem focused on completing your education, which is important to you. What you are facing is a bit of unhappiness with your folks (who sound like they can get over it, particularly if they like your man). So if you keep your focus on education and you continue to find him acceptable, go for it. And isn't it wonderful to have such understanding parents. Remember that when your own child(ren) want to do the same thing.
Why would she act like this?
that girls messed yo. RUN AWAY! Shes so insecure that shes doing these things to get attention from you cuz you feel jealous which makes her feel good. When you get jealous she feel like you love her. This is a much more serious form so like I said, RUN.
Do you think that the governement has gone too far with the new anti-smoking legislation?
it's govt. again controlling us for their almighty dollars. This is supposed to be the land of the "free." Except for the fact gov't. looks up our arses ALL the time about every little thing. It's ludicrous. People do people things---leave them alone!
4 days late of period. Possibly pregnant?
you cannot become pregnant without penetration and ejaculation. most couples find it hard enough to conceive a child and try for 2 years. yes irregular periods are quite common when there are factors such as weigh gain,weight loss,stress, etc involved. if she hasnt gotten her period in a while i would recommend taking a pregnancy test just to get the concern out of your mind and than get her some birth control
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Ex's friend and the Bro Code?
I would have your love interest speak to your ex about the situation so it doesn't put them in a weird spot. I dated a guy for 4 1/2 years, we broke up (on terrible terms) and I ended up marrying his buddy. They still hate each other to this day.
Does saving money hurt the economy? how does money grow?
The money isn't "exchanging or growing" if you save? Unless your savings are in your mattress, that's not at all true. What you save can be invested by others. And they're even willing to pay you to do it!
Atheists, how do you feel about being on the "losing team"?
Yeah, you have heard the message about Jesus time and time again and yet you reject him. It truly mystifies me. I have pondered on how a sane and rational person could truly reject the shed blood of our lord and came to this conclusion. I have concluded that you atheists feel that living a life of sin is better than accepting Jesus as your personal saviour even if it means you will spend an eternity in the depths of hellfire. Who is the fool now? Lol!! Atheists cannot stand the fact that us christians have a direct pipeline to our loving creator and have the strength and spiritual discipline to follow through with his glorious teachings. BELIEVE ME, I have been where you are right now and it's not real pretty. Once I accepted Jesus into my heart I could not imagine survivng another day in the absence of his almighty presence. Atheists, you are all about logic though isn't it illogical that you choose to endure an everlasting punishment in the lake of fire and brimstone than repent and give your hearts to Jesus Christ? If this does not make you think than I do not know what will. People without Jesus are nothing but lost and empty shells of human beings and once we are granted salvation by his wonderfull grace we are made whole. Why is this so difficult for you atheists to understand? Atheist care about nothing but their self gratifying desires and I can honestly say that I have no sympathy for you and the eternal punishment which awaits you. For those of you who are reconsidering you sinfull ways you may want to say this prayer. "Lord Jesus, I know that you have paid the price on the cross for me for I am unworthy to enter your kingdom based on my merits alone. I repent of my evil ways and accept you into my heart as the lord of my life. Please wash my sins clean with your precious blood and free my mind of any doubts I have previously had of you." If you prayed this prayer with me you will have eternal life with Christ and the devil himself cannot touch you.
Had my period -- still pregnant?
Hello. My boyfriend and I were "fooling around" seven weeks ago. He did not ejaculate inside me at all, but our genitals rubbed together. I do not believe he go pre *** on my vagina, but that does not mean it is not possible. Fifteen days later, right on time, I got my period. It seemed to be a normal flow, lasting a few days and enough blood to fill up a pad. However, this month my period is seven days late starting tomorrow. My breasts began to feel a little sore today. My boyfriend and I have not had sex or fooled around for the last seven weeks. Still, is there a chance that I could be pregnant or am I simply paranoid? Thank you for your advice :)
So if my reporter is in my contacts list what am I supposed to do about that- apart from feel like a fool?
I still regularly get VNs on Q&A posted under axed accounts from 10 suspensions ago. That ain't paranoia. Someone's obviously gunning for me....and I know exactly who the little сunt is.
Questions about aquarius man. How do you know if an aquarius likes you?
Ok Ive been talking to an aquarius for about 3 weeks now. I told him I just wanted to be friends and well then got to know him better and we click really good. We decided to hook up and told me that he wasnt looking for a one time thing and that he wanted to see where it leaded us. Well we did and it was amazing. Before I could make it home that night he was texting me telling me that he really liked me and stuff. I usually hear from him, I try to leave him alone. But over the weekend I really wanted to see him well I got rejected friday night and being a cancer that did hurt my feelings but I tried to look at it logically. I did tell him I wouldn't ask again and he got upset telling me not to be like that. I did hear from him everyday over the weekend but never asked to see me. I guess I get confused with this sign, they say they like you but I dunno? I know he is the kind that likes to be in relationships and his last gf the were like offical within a few weeks. So Im like ok does this guy like me? Sometimes he's all aobut me and others just a little blah. Last night before going to bed, he told me he was thinking about me..I dunno Im confused. Im trying to give him space. How do I know if he likes me? I mean he did tell me but actions don't add up. How do I give him space but keep him interested? We just really click and i dont want to lose a chance.
Ramadan. How many Pakistanis feel Zaid Hamid is a fool and an embarrassment to Pakistan?
He's a conspiracy theorist and people are buying what he's selling because he play on people's fears and giving them the "answers" other people aren't willing to give to the general public.
Calculus Question HELP!?
The only way |a+b| would equal |a| + |b| is if the direction of a and b are the same. Otherwise, they are not aligned and the magnitude of the sum of the two vectors will be less than the sum of the individual vector magnitudes. Similarly, there is no possible way that |a+b| would be greater than |a| + |b| since the best you can do is equality (when both vectors are aligned).
Just bought Left 4 Dead need help?
well i just got left 4 dead today and i was playing and i died then it took me back to the safe house. Its there any checkpoints? Because i was pretty far when I died.
While Bush`s War In Iraq Was Truly Not Illegal, Obama`s Libya War Truly Is. What Is The POP PRESS Telling You?
Half of you voted for a marxist for president...Leftist manipulators with cash fooled you. I used to stand up for ALL Americans....OK....One more chance.
Was I Giving Up My Rights By Allowing TSA Scan or Pat Down?
The Transportation Security Administration has come under criticism for the level of detail in the full body scan or enhanced pat down procedures of a 6 year old girl or a 95 year old woman with adult diaper. I believe I was not giving up my constitutional freedoms by not opting for the pat down or not cooperating with the TSA. Others say that our rights are slowly being compromised and soon there will be checkpoints to get from one state to the next. What does the law specify and why don't more people complain?
Should TSA take over our border security?
Riddle me this Batman... Why have secure airports with open borders? Isn't that defeating the purpose?
Religious question to religious people?
Please take and pay attention while in a remedial English class. Capital letters and punctuation are your friends.
On a relationship break..?
My boyfriend and I have been dating for just over 2 years and have been living together pretty much the whole time. we are both 23 I am currently 5 months pregnant with his baby. I know we have been agruing alot, and I have been emotion and telling him i need him there for me. It seems every weekend he hangs out with hs friends and does not come home until the next afternoon or evening. Even though I am pregnant and ask him to please come home after, he has never come home after in the last year that we have lived here. He says were not married and he doesnt understand why I care. But Anyway when he doesnt come home I get worried and sometimes acuse him of cheating. So the last time he went out i accused him again over the phone and he said its over. the next day he came home and grabbed some things and told me its a break, he wants to be single and free and not have me tell him what to do. and he loves me and only wants some space. It hurt me so much as I was so shocked and its been so hard on me, he ended up coming back and taking everything. he has moved in with the girl i thought he was cheating on me with and that hurt soo bad. this all happened within the last week. He insists he is not seeing her or fooling around with her or anyone, he says he doesnt want us to see other people, and he loves me more than anything. he just needs space , and is unsure if he will come back or not, but says we will be together agian. I feel so worried and I want him back more than anything, I am wondering if he is just saying its a break and he love me and says he isnt seeing her or anyone just to be nice, but if it was over wouldnt he just tell me hes seeing someone?. I do believe what he is saying that they are only friends and roomates, but its so hard to accept. Is there a chance he really does want to get back together? I am soo confused please help. How can I get him to want me back, I am such a great girlfriend i do anything for him, and only ask him to come home when the partys over instead of sleeping there.and accuse him of cheating which i know he hates. I want him to miss me and want me back and not make me feel worried.
Why would any woman not want to get an abortion?
We are NOT over populated. The Earth is actually UNDER POPULATED according to my husband's business management textbook I read in 2007 when he was studying at University of Toledo. If abortion is not done correctly it is possible the woman can die during the procedure. It is also possible for the child to be born ALIVE and in that case the child is left to die on the table which can take up to 15 minutes from the cold.
Hey im going to an overnight camp for 4 nights 3 days and 2 5hour bus rides?
Do you know what i should bring and what i want to know most i dont wanna look like a fool so how big of a suitcase would i need, theres hiking lots of sports and a ton of mud and getting dirty involved, im a guy. the camp is called camp eagle at rockspriings texas its a church camp so if your going you might know what to bring
CheckPoints app question, help?
I have the checkpoints app, and no matter what store I'm in or city it always gives me the same products, is there a way to get more or even different products? Thanks!
Pregnant ? please help ?
im pretty young and i have recently been having stomach cramps and just noticed my nipples looking bigger as well as more prominent veins by my nipples. im scared and nervous that i may be pregnant. my boyfriend and I do use condoms during sex but there's a possibility that something may have happened when we were just fooling around. Im expecting my period in about a week so ill know for sure then but from the sounds of it what are my chances are of being pregnant?
Do you have a apple iphone, itouch or an android?
Theres an app called Checkpoints (it’s free) if you download it and use the promo code ” pkiller ” (without quotations) you will get a 25$ gift card for itunes, starbucks, or homedepot and a bonus 300 points to start off. Its a free app and it wont kill you :3 (itouch, iphone, even andriod) thanks guys
Should I seek Professional help?
I've been depressed before, but I have recently overcome it (or so I think). I am now more capable of having fund day to day and I stopped stressing about schoolwork, but now that schools out I've been having some problems. Last summer I spent a lot of time alone and it was very therapeutic for me, but its not having the same effects now. Sometimes when I am alone I have these like mini panic attacks or something. I sit in the middle of a room in the fetal position and just cry into a pillow (so that my family won't hear) for what seems like hours but is really only between 20 and 45 minutes and I feel like my world is collapsing on to me. I just get really scared that I'll never have fun, I'll just live at my parents house for the rest of my life, never go to college, no one will ever love me, I'll somehow remain a teenager forever, and my life will remain monotonous and the boring. This is really strange I think because logically this doesn't make sense. I have nearly straight A's and a 2200 SAT score. I just have this really strong want to be an adult and I don't know why because you're supposed to love being a kid. I just all of a sudden get really scared and I can't move and I just feel like screaming. Sometimes I feel theses attacks coming on and I get really scared and I've found that I can avoid them by immediately distracting myself. Is this a medical condition? Should I tell my parents (we're not that close so it would be awkward and they would probably say I'm being a drama queen and it would be weird. I once slipped in that I used to be depressed and they rolled their eyes)? Should I just wait this out like I did with depression? I don't know it seems that I don't really heal myself when I'm having symptoms of mental problems, it just turns to something else. When I was eight i starved my self,then attempted bulimia, and then just hated my self, then was happy, then became a control freak,then was happy, then was anti-social, then was depressed, then was happy, and now I'm 17 and this. Grr, I wish my brain would get it together, this is such a bother.
How will TSA eye scanners effect travelers?
seems eye scanners will be operational soon at a few TSA checkpoints soon and then expand to other locations, do you want your eyes scanned? a href=""…/a
I'm shy how can i make new friends without making a fool of myself?
Im a really shy girl and i moved to this town almost 2 years ago, I attend a technical college so the days and hours are weird. I can make conversation but nothing enough to get someone to stick. I dont wanna make a fool of my self go up ask them to be my friend and them say no. plus alot of the people are older then me in my classes.. alot older like in there 40's im 20. so can i get some ways to make friends without makeing me feel weird?
My Boyfriend planned this baby and it is cause me to have resentment?
I have been dating my bf for three months now, he is great to me and my kids, we seem to really work well together and I can honestly say I have never been treated like he treats me, I am happy we are together. I was planning on going back to college this Sept, but I just found out on fathers day that I am pregnant, I was switching birth control pills. When I told him, he told me he'd actually was hoping I got pregnant, I wanted another child but in a couple of years, but I must admit part of me is excited but logically I am freaked out, I would have liked to go to school, and been with my bf longer before I had another baby (I have two kids with my ex husband). I feel resentment against the fact (a) I am the only one worried about finances, when I can't work, and then return to school in a couple of years, and live off a student loan. (B) I don't understand why he would plan to get me pregnant, he said it's because he loves me and wouldn't I like to have a little one around again, but was he thinking of all the responsibilities a baby is. I am fine that I am pregnant, but I feel like it's going to be me that has all of it on my shoulders. I don't know, life is messy, life happens and you just got to roll with it. but I can't seem to contemplate why he hoped to get me pregnant?
Is he making a fool out if me? Am I right to be paranoid? Please help :( ?
Me and my boyfriend are together a year now and had just moved in together. However at Xmas when we split up hengot in Contact with this girl he used to be seeing 2years ago and started meeting up with her again but swore they were only friends and he was never alone with her. Then when we got back I presume he stayed in contact by text but I know he didn't meet her and he even deleted her from his FB for me but when we split up 2 months ago he started meeting up with her again and he brought her to his match and she stayed over at his mates house. Now were back together and have moved in but i dont know if she knows this. I do believe he hasn't been in contact with her since I moved in but last night his sister in law put up photos of me and him togther on our bday and this girl left a comment but by the time we say it it was deleted, he seemed very worried when he seen on his phone she left a comment but then when we seen it wasn't there I asked him to ask her what it was and e refused. Am I being made a fool out if here? Should I let it drop or find out what it said ? Please help
I made a fool of myself in front of my crush?
I feel soo embarrassed now I want to die :((( Me and my crush just went to the park together and everytime he talked to me I would just nod, or say something really stupid and random.. For example, he was like, "It's really windy." I just giggled and nodded and said, "How awkward." I didn't know what else to say and I feel sooo stupid................ Ughhhh what do I do I feel like dying :(((((
DWI in California question?
i was given a dwi for being under the influence of marijuana. i am prescribed marijuana for adhd and i had taken a dose of medication about 2 hours before driving. now in my opinion after 2 hours i am no longer under the influence. i got stopped at a dui checkpoint and they found marijuana on my person and in my car. after giving me a good half hour of tests the officer determined i was under the influence of marijuana. i believe that he thinks this merely because i have my prescription on me and marijuana in my car i do not think that he correctly evaluated me in the tests so my question is, is there anyway i can fight this
Libs are anti-business, Cons anti-gov't. Logically, which makes more sense?
i have never been to a business where they use guns and hand-cuffs on me if i do not patronize them...the govt does, and has,and is using those "techniques"...
Help with Public Speaking? (will give 10 points to best answer!)?
1,TRUE. 2, FALSE, 3, FALSE. 4, TRUE. 5, TRUE 6, true. 7, TRUE, 8, true. 9, TRUE. 10, TRUE, 11, TRUE. 12, TRUE. 13, TRUE. 14, TRUE. 15, TRUE. 16, TRUE. 17, TRUE. 18, TRUE. 19, TRUE. 20, TRUE. 21, FALSE. 22, FALSE. 23, F A L S E. 24, true. 25, TRUE. (11, much like in writing, one "restates the thesis") NOTE: Three of your questions are ambiguous and could be answered either way because in public speaking any good speaker knows the old "comedians tool", how to work a room. Questions 6, 8, and 24.
A question for the ages?
Trainer joey from pokemon red yellow and blue likes to wear shorts because they're comfy and easy to wear.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Did you know? . . . The Mark . . .?
I'm surprised christ himself didn't stroll down the stairs of "heaven" and kill you. The end was a bit too Billy-Mays for my liking. Pah, the entire thing was far too ignorant for my liking. Blind fool.
Why is a foreign language so hard to learn?
Wouldn't it be, logically, easy? I mean, all you're doing is learning new sounds, which go into new words, which go into new forms of grammar. I would think your brain would create a mental file or something which would make it easy. Why is it so hard to absorb another language?
Should I go home for the summer or take a job?
Next year I will be a sophomore in college and I'm hoping to pursue a business degree. I would like to have some job experience, make some money, and help my resume for applying to the business school. However, my family is in the middle of a move and I cannot get a job because I could leave the area at any point. I am currently staying with relatives and was offered a decent job hosting at a restaurant. It pays well, has decent hours, and would be a great first job. Logically, it makes perfect sense and is a great situation. But I am growing terribly homesick and miss my family back home. The question is, should I suck it up and take the job, or go home and spend the summer with my family before returning to college.
Gamestop Controller Return?
I was wondering if I can retun an old controller to gamestop with the receipt from the controller I just bought today. They look the same. Do they check anything inside it? There is a number that looks similar on the receipt as the number inside the battery pack of the new one. So basically can I fool some random gamestop employee? Don't give me any moral stories just give me a yes / no.
Wy were you stopped at the rapture departure gate security checkpoint on May 21?
Yes. A priest gave me a full body cavity search and then just walked away with a weird grin on his face.
Atheists/Agnostics.. anyone, really?
I've seen that line as well, and I don't buy it. It's Atheist propoganda at best and a huge load of crap at worst.
What is needed to pass a texas checkpoint?
I want to get from south tx and go to chicago. I want to know what i need in order to pass the check point. P.S. I am born in the U.S. I have papers
The guy i like is highly controlling, yet my heart still yearns to see his true self?
sorry to tell you this but you are seeing his "true self". you are not going to change him to make him the man "you" want the world to see him as. the reason he is controlling is because he does fear the uncontrollable, hence he controls. your heart yearns for the person you think he can be not for the person you think he wants to be. he is happy being the way he is. why be with someone who thinks your a fool. why would you want to live your life acting like someone controls you because in the end he will control you. im sorry but the truth speaks volumes.
What detective conan episode has a train that go a certain speed every x number of minutes so it won't blow?
I remember a certain episode of meitantei conan where the train has to go a certain speed and pass the checkpoint thing attached to the railway, and the train would explode if this doesn't happen. Can someone tell me what episode this is?
Why are conservatives against abortion, but then complain about welfare?
If a mother can't support her future child, but does have the money to afford an abortion, why are conservatives against it? Seeing as they would consider her a parasite for going on welfare, and complain about their tax-dollars being used to raise these kids, logically then, wouldn't abortion be a win-win situation for both the mother and the taxpayer?
Mexico catches illegals on tuesday & deport's 100's of them the very next day why can't we do this?
Because they were not Mexicans trying to sneak into America. They were other Latin American peoples. And the main reason why we can't is because of retards like Carlos Santana. Actually getting in front of millions of people during a civil rights gathering to say Americans suck for deporting illegal immigrants.
LOGIC VS "HEART" (empathy) Which should we follow and why?
Why do we have to choose just one (logic or empathy)? The way I see it, the two are not mutually exclusive: a person can be both logical and empathic. Logic can guide empathy and empathy can guide logic.
So are the TSA actually doing a good job?
if they were wouldnt there be a few exsplosions at the airport checkpoints, because the security was just so good the terrorists had to prematurely detonate at the checkpoint.
Driving without a license in California can I fight it?
I was stopped at a checkpoint by the police but,I was driving with my girlfriend who is over 21 and has years of experience, I was following all the street rules, and I had a learners permit which said I could drive with a licensed driver 18 or older. The only reason I got the ticket was because I didn't physically have the little permit paper. I now have my license. Would it be more beneficial for me to fight the ticket or not?
I dumped my boyfriend because he was a dribbler?
This probably sounds ridiculous but my boyfriend would only dribble small amounts when he ejaculated. I'm a very sexual person and it was just a huge turn off for me. I can't justify it logically, it's just like how I'm wired or something. He was otherwise well endowed but for me, the small ending was a deal breaker, not manly at all. I didn't tell him the whole truth but I did say that I didn't see things working out long term. Now I feel really guilty because he was nice and caring. What should I do?
My summer school math teacher is freaking hot!?
u should just not think of him like that. this is going to end bad if you make it to something. just leave him alone. do you know how wrong that is?
Why do so many video games release on a Tuesday?
logically it should be released on a Friday but so many are released on Tuesday is there an actual reason
What authority does an agriculture checkpoint employee have in California or any state?
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Do you hate it when people lack grammar and pronunciation etiquette?
Instead of speaking ebonics and ghetto-tribal speak for the rest of their lives, is it logically that painful to finish highschool?
On what episode of The Simpsons do they cross the border with fruits or vegetables on the trunk?
It isn't the episode "Midnight Rx". They stop at the checkpoint in homer's pink car and when he is asked if he has anything to declare he accelerates and all the fruit or vegetables fall into the street from the trunk.
Is this a good way to handle this situation with a cheater?
Ok so the guy I have been dating has a girlfriend. He doesn't know I know and I found out this morning and I hung out with him last night. I feel really stupid because I had a feeling something was up. He really just wanted to have sex with me I'm sure of it even though he said he didn't. (We didn't have sex. I'm a virgin he's not) we did fool around though. Anyways I'm planning on ignoring his texts and if I run into him which I know I will I'm going to confront him. I don't want to confront his girlfriend yet and I might tell her after I talk to him but I don't know if I should. What shouldi do?
How soon can you tell- different tests, etc.?
Dollar store tests DO work, and work well! I took one with this pregnancy (I am a day past my due date!) If you google prego tests it should tell you exactly what tests work with what level of HGC. You want the smallest amount like 20 mIU//ml. It should say on the package what level it tests for. Hope this helps! Good luck
Friday, July 15, 2011
Checkpoints app help!?
I have an iPad 2 and it doesn't give me the option to scan stuff. It says " check in " and " add a tip ". For every store I check into. Is it only for the iPhone ? My iPad has a camera, so it should work. And this happens for all the stores I check into
what should i do. Please answer this question logically I have a baby in the house and i don't want her getting sick
I did 40 benadryls this one time, if i had my iq measured during the experience what would it be?
long story short: i took 40 benadryls this one day to get high . I was so uncoordinated, couldnt remember what was said to me 10 seconds before, so confused that i didnt know what was going on, and i couldnt think logically, like it literally felt like i had the brain of a young child. now a question: if i had taken the Weschler intelligence test while intoxicated by it, is it possible that my iq would have measured below 70, i have an slightly above average iq (officially tested) of 120 sober,
Should I seduce my friends boyfriend so she will get the point?
My friend is a 19 year old hottie that looks like Nikki Minaj but she is wasting her time with this 32 year old guy from Australia who reminds of any white guy from Australia. Its sad to watch him and her together. At the club everyone makes fun of him because he doesn't fit in. I really hate to see her like this but I try to talk to her and she just ends up acting crazy. He told me once he would not mind having a threesome with me and her so I think I can get him to sleep with me. Should I do it? She may start hatin on me but she don't need him. If I can save her from this fool I will do but not sure it will work.
Why would the Religion Of Peace strap a 9-Year-Old Pakistani Girl with a suicide vest?
Why????? Because the practitioners of the "Religion of Peace" are too cowardly to strap the vests on themselves...
Are there any good places to meet in Toronto’s Pearson International Airport?
You can meet your friend at the "Arrivals area" in Terminal three -- I take it you'll be between flights? There are places on the arrivals and Departures level where you could have a coffee, lunch or whatever strikes your fancy before you have to return through the security gates on the "Departures" level.
Dreams came true, not deja vu, maybe deja visite. But....?
I wrote before that, I have real time experiences in which I know I dreamed years ago. Few years ago I "felt" I had broken some kind of a limit inside of my brain, like a frontier of some kind has been breached and my limits were gone. I had a shock 10 months ago and another one a month ago, but that shocking experience was the beginning of my experiences. I know I have had those situations in my dreams. I am not trying to explain it to myself but It feels very awkward. How can I know what is happening to me? I am a logic person, philosophy is my way of thinking which I consider to be a cure for the brain and the purifier of thought. Never before have I experienced these situations. No headaches, dizziness, or any kind of any symptoms for me to conclude those could be seizures or similar, by which I would logically propose a medical condition. Ok, let's repeat, I KNOW for three occasions in the last 10 days I have had those situations in my dreams some 20 even more years ago, and some 4-5 years ago. It is not deja vu. It lasts about 20-30 minutes, during which time I know this was in a dream. I also know I have said before my bad situation that something will happen, and it has happened. As I can feels some kind of a large scale change is about to happen, and it will. Not positive nor negative, but a way that has never been present before. Medical symptoms are missing ok, nothing with the hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus and amygdala, for there are NONE of the symptoms at presence. I thought of deja vu experiences, that they are some kind of checkpoints, but they last a minute or less. So if a medical explanation is to be given, why are there none in the cases of deja vu, and many other experiences, that would give proof of a medical: psychological or physical connection? And once again, this is, when compared to criteria as deja vu, a deja visite, when placed within that kind of a criteria. So, I do not need you that claim with no arguments, especially those that claim the "therapist" as I can think of that on my own, but my IQ can not accept verbal persuasion as a motive for self indulgence of cure form, psychiatrists are not able to help those with a brain that is computational on a larger scale than their own. I need those that experienced this. I know there are more.
What came out of him? i have no idea what it was!?
okay so me and my boyfriend were fooling around and he told me he had to pee before we had sex but i didn't care! so as we were fooling around he pulled his dick out and there was a clear liquid at the top of his dick and on his shorts. but he swears it wasn't sperm! what the hell could it have been ?
Is it possible to get searched crossing state boundaries?
Is their mandatory checkpoints where an officer can search your vehicle without probable cause while traveling across state lines across the country?
Dreams vs Money???????????????????
Okay so for many years now i have been contemplating my career choices.. It's always been either wall street or airline pilot. I've wanted to be an airline pilot since i was 4 years old.. My greatgranfather was an airline pilot and my grandfather worked in teh Russian airforce. I moved to America from Russia...Growing up when money didn't matter all i wanted to do was become an airline pilot. Then logically in high school wall street big money potential got in the way of everything.. It's been stressful i'm in college right now majoring in finance.... I just dont know which career i would pursue.. Aviation pays nothing starting out and your away from home 20K a year first officer at regional airline.. then up t o 40K after 5 years.. then If and only if your lucky and get to the majors after 10 years at a regional youll make 40K as a first officer and up to 100K as a captain.. in my mid 40s.. Obviously i'd be happer if money and family didn't matter but in reality sometimes we have to wake up from our dreams.. im just sooo unsure..anybody have anything to say?
Which leg in the 4x400m is the longest?
The first leg is the longest. Consider that the first leg runs 400m before getting to the hand off zone, whatever distance run into the hand off zone before the actual hand off would be distance taken off the second runners 400m and like wise for the 3rd and 4th legs.
Blue screen of death unmountable_boot_volume?
i have an my inspiron 1501 XP Professional if u know about unmountable_boot_volume than you know that safe mode and restore to good condition doesn't work i need to boot it into the desktop so how do i do that i dnt have any cds that came with it so i need download sites then i need to know how to use the cd step by step directions would be best please... its been down for like 7 months ive always fooled with it and looked up how to fix it i but now i need it not the stuff on it but i need it to be functional---please help
Obama crossings are down Police in Mexico today stopped two U.S.-bound trucks loaded with more than 500?
I am not sure if I could have said it any better. Close the borders and send obama and obamaites down to Mexico. Maybe I should ask. Does mexico still kill illegales by a firing squad? What? It is ok for mexco to kill illegales but we are ridiculed for wanting to deport them. Check out the obama fence on the southern border of Mexico. Once again, Don’t the Guatemalain's have the right to a better life. You see you can’t have it both ways. If we grant amnesty then mexico can do the same.
Older version of the app store app checkpoints?
I have an iPod touch 4g, I can download free apps to get coins, but I want to scan barcodes. Does anyone have a link to a older version of checkpoints that allows barcode scanning on the iPod touch 4g? If you guys don't, then can u use my bonus code for an extra 100 points? BONUS CODE: hanky
Would the bullet travel faster?
if you are traveling at the speed of light, and you shoot a gun, logically, would the bullet travel backward , travel at the same speed as you, or forward which travels faster than the speed of light?
If I wasn't happy in my last relationship, why am I sad we spilt up?
I broke up with my bf tonight and even though I can see logically it was the best thing, I still feel bad and I know I will have bad days after today. Why am I unable to feel relieved rather than bad that it ended? Am I just feeling confusion? I know it needed to end but Im scared of the good memories making me sad....Six years was too long maybe?
Atheists! What do you think of these Bible verses?
Since they don't believe that the bible is a book that's any more important than any other book of mythology, I doubt they're particularly interested in what it says, other than for purposes of literary references and so on.
What do you call the checkpoint or...?
Yeah it's called Border Patrol. each station is named after a law enforcement officer (who died in the line of duty) or the local township, city, state, etc
What is need to pass a texas checkpoint?
I want to get from south tx and go to chicago. I want to know what i need in order to pass the check point
My friend is in a deadend relationship how do I convince her its going nowhere?
My friend is dating a guy from Australia. She is to put in bluntly loud and southern. He is 32 and she 19. Its like watching Wanda Sykes and Hugh Jackman trying to have a relationship she is loud and he is really quite.I think the only thing they have in common is they like sex. She needs more than that, how do I convince her this guy she has met and invited into her home is not going to work out? I seriously wonder what is wrong with girl she is Hawt and needs a hustler, not this fool.
Easiest way to write a book?
I have heard of making checkpoints per amount of words, and setting a designated time per day. However, I seem to stop. I don't really give up, I just don't add to it often.
Run a mile in about 5 minutes?
If u want to run a mile faster run 2-4 miles a day then when u go to run that mile it'll be easy. also if u do run 3-4 miles a day make sure u have alot of water and a high calorie intake so when run ur burning the calories u just ate and not the fat reserves in your body. oh also STRETCH for like 20 mins before and after ur run to make ur stride longer cuz the longer the stride u have the more distance u can cover in a sorter amount of time. hope this helps :)
Can anyone tell me how to get some more credits on Halo: Reach?
there is a glitch with grenades on a certain level,you need a friend to help you out though,i'm not sure what to do though,they have a youtube video of it,hopefully that works
Why is weed bad for you?
its not bad it kills brain cells but they regenerate and it doesnt hurt ur lungs that much not as much as cigarettes and i do weed and im an all a student im on student council and im a singer weed doesnt hurt u it shouldnt be illegal
Why are the American people so sheepish these days?
The REAL America would of never stood for the TSA Gropdowns, the police state where they are allowed to do roadblocks and checkpoints everywhere whenever they want and anything else that is unconstitutional. I miss the USA!
What do you make of people who say that you're 'only blocking them because deep down you know they're right'?
I don't know but I always declare victory when I post an answer then they edit the question and rant on my answer.
What do you think of my song lyrics?
Good:) I write songs myself. Anyway, it could just be because it needs sung but reading it alone there are a few parts where you could fix the rhyming and/or rhythm. If you know what I mean. Besides that , which really isn't all that important, pretty good! Keep it up and never give up on your dreams! :D
What do you think it will be like for Justin Bieber's next girlfriend after he's dated Selena Gomez?
yeah it's feel pressure she's not HOT but she's cute and she's not that talented either ANYWAY WHO KNOWS HE MIGHT HAVE A VICTORIA SECRET MODEL BY HIS SIDE SOON......
Thursday, July 14, 2011
You can help if you have an Iphone or Ipod!?
please download the app checkpoints from the app store and use the promo code clayton1 . You can redeem it to help Japan or get a giftcard for yourself. If you do it, I will give you 10 points!!
Can you please help me out with this app?
I have an app called checkpoints on my iPod and whenever I try to register, the app ALWAYS crashes!!!! I tried reinstallin the app. Ughh im soo irritated. thanks guys
Why are Men so stupid?
I mean logically, intelligence wise, and critical thinking wise, why are they so stupid compared to women when it comes to these things?
Where to cross into canada from VT or NY with minimal border checkpoints?
Jim again, as stated previously, my son and I made plans a month ago to go fishing/camping in canada. I got a DUI some 33 years ago when I was 18, and foolish. I went fishing for years and was always waived through checkpoints. 10 years ago I was not so lucky. They saw my MISTAKE (DUI) and said no, I could not go fishing and was turned around. I am 52 years old now, not an immature 18 year old drinking and drivinmg. I have a family and NO more troublesome issues. The Canadian government IS as bad if not WORSE than the stinking USA government, a bunch of self centered rich do nothing I.D.I.O.T's! To hold something against me from 33 yearts ago,yes, MY MISTAKE which I take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for, is keeping me from what I enjoy most, fishing in Canada coz you guys got the best fishing there is!!! I see Morses Line has minimal security but don't know if they have a computer and run ID's??? Is it a safe place to cross? Is there ANYPLACE to cross the border where they are unlikely to run my name??? I just want to take my son on a fishing trip that he will remember for life!!! I'm not looking to break any laws so , Is There ANYPLACE where we can cross into Canada from VT or NY? Want to go to Bay of Quinte off Lake OIntario as its absolutely fabulous fishing because your wildlife management IS BETTER THAN HERE!!! Hope someone can help us do this DREAM TRIP and GOD BLESS IF YOU DO/CAN HELP, and, GOD BLESS IF YOU DON'T! RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Jim & Son
Why so christians put Jesus over God?
I personally believe Jesus to be a messenger of god, nothing more or nothing less. Chrisitians believe Jesus to be God's son, and I can understand their beliefs as a result of his miraculous birth and the many miracles he performed himself. However, logically it seems that God the father should be higher than God the son. Correct me if I'm wrong, but most christians address their prayer to Jesus or God, but implying Jesus as god. Why is this? Isn't the lord supreme and even if he had a son would he not be superior to that son?
Do aries guys expect (literally) perfection from women?
I went out with an aries guy who I thought was such a gentleman, classy, and genuine. During dinner, it felt like a freakin job interview. I know you're supposed to get to know each other but dang, I wasn't expecting to get asked all these "wifey" questions and get judged on it. I am who I am and will not apologize for it but the whole time, he made it seem like my answers weren't "good enough" or not what he was looking for. I'm a lady, good girl, friendly/easygoing, gets along w. everyone. I'm not your average woman, I'm me. And here's this guy, asking, "do you get along w. your co-workers? are you an angry person?" WTH?! Even if I did give him "answers" he was looking for, you're not really gonna get these answers unless you back it up with experience and observation. (Just like how doctors/nurses and all healthcare professionals need to have clinical to back up what they learned in the textbook). He just made me feel like I wasn't "good enough" and came across as judgmental and it's like he kept asking questions to make sure he didn't get hurt. Like, "if i get these answers, i'll know if she'll screw me over or not..." He never called. Maybe it's a blessing. I'm a sag, I forget stuff like this but I can't help but be a bit traumatized by it still. In my head, there's no way in hell I would go back to this guy - logically it doesn't make sense but in my heart, I've been avoiding feeling rejected bc I don't want to go through this path of self-pity and negativity. I'm a busy gal and I don't like people being indecisive and wasting my time. I'm just tired of guys who are so interested but never completely pursue me all the way...
How to find agents and market a new tourism business?
Hi All, We are a new tourism firm in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has been rated No. 1 by the "Newyork Times" in their "Best Places to Go" list. Also, rated No. 2 by the "National Geographic Channel" in their "World's Best Islands to Visit". Sri Lanka offers something for everyone from sandy beaches to ancient & culture; from adventurous wild life to eye-catching green hill country & water falls; from numerous water sports to hiking, trekking and many more sports; and from whale watching to aboriginal people. "Blue Whale" could also be seen here. Considering this all, we have started a new tour firm which offers services to tourists by arranging itineraries, guides, drivers, luxury vehicles as well as star hotel accommodation and a verity of Western, Arabic, Chinese or local food. We have very good relationships with local hotels. We have successfully did a couple of tours with some tourists from the USA, the UK as well as from Germany. Now we would like to expand our market. Please could you provide some suggestions as to how we can expand the services ? How we can find marketing agents ? We have a website. However, we are still not sure how many of the executives who would like to go on a holiday may use internet to search for different kinds of tour operators and compare their services. Because I think our target audience may be a bit busy people (a person without a job may not afford a holiday logically) and thus such people may not use internet much to search for tour operators I think. Please suggest me. Thanks a lot in advance.
Do You Think Warrant-less Checkpoints on the Roads is Legal Constitutionally? Are They a Good Idea or Bad?
I assume your talking about police officers and seat belt checks and DUI stops. In the interest of public safety probably a good idea, but I think probably also unconstitutional as they have no reason to stop you or probable cause. Just because I happened by this particular road point at this particular time is not probable cause on a public road. Then they could do checkpoints in grocery stores or malls claiming to look for weapons or drugs without probable cause. Then what, door to door bed checks?
I cannot pick up JAW in Crysis 2 (PS3)-Message says "Unable to Carry"?
In Crysis 2, Dead Man Walking level, I cannot pick up the JAW to blow open the door. I am playing on the PS3 console. Keeps saying "Unable to carry more" but I can swap out other weapons. I tried restarting at the last checkpoint & same thing happened. I tried emptying ammo on both weapons I am carrying & it still doesn't fix this issue.
Is this wrong : ( ???
Oh. Tell Him. Tell Him. Trust Is EVERYTHING. iLost The Love Of My Life, For Not Tellinq Him My Best Guy Friendd Kissed Me. v.v It's Been Three Months, Andd My Heart Is Still Breakinq
Did the lowest of the low just get even lower?
Not surprised,Islamic militants will use and abuse man,woman or child to help in their fascist totalitarian aims.If you want to get a global picture of the crimes against humanity committed in the name of Allah and Islam,check the Jihad Watch site,you will get your eyes opened to the madness and barbarity that is extremist Islam,religion of peace,that is a joke.
Is horizontal velocity 0 m/s in kinematics?
it does have initial horizontal velocity as stated in the problem. but the initial vertical velocity is zero because at time 0 the ball is about to fall but hasn't yet. Viy is notation for velocity initial in the y direction which means vertical. your right about the horizontal velocity being nonzero (2.4 m/s)
If im Going to san Padre Island from Dallas Texas, does anyone know if there are any checkpoints?
so i can have all my documentation ready, i dont want to have to take everything if there wont be any checkpoints
Would mean a lot to me if someone could please spare a few mins and help me with this I don't know what to do?
Me and my boyfriend are together a year now and had just moved in together. However at Xmas when we split up hengot in Contact with this girl he used to be seeing 2years ago and started meeting up with her again but swore they were only friends and he was never alone with her. Then when we got back I presume he stayed in contact by text but I know he didn't meet her and he even deleted her from his FB for me but when we split up 2 months ago he started meeting up with her again and he brought her to his match and she stayed over at his mates house. Now were back together and have moved in but i dont know if she knows this. I do believe he hasn't been in contact with her since I moved in but last night his sister in law put up photos of me and him togther on our bday and this girl left a comment but by the time we say it it was deleted, he seemed very worried when he seen on his phone she left a comment but then when we seen it wasn't there I asked him to ask her what it was and e refused. Am I being made a fool out if here? Should I let it drop or find out what it said ? Please help
10points best answer****?
I like the over all story of the song but it kind of jumps around... you could try to repeat a couple thigns a little more. Also, its talking about one thing, and then its talking about something else, keep it flowing.
Movie about a couple escaping by train and getting shot at when they get to the border.?
i don't know if its during the cold war or world war 2 a couple escapes, and as they are escaping because the train stop at a checkpoint they are getting shot at and the man carries the woman to safety.
Is this an odd way to think?
I know exactly what you mean. I have felt and thought that same way It is really scary when you start to think to far in and start to think of the end and what that may or may not bring. I usually try to ignore thinking about this as it starts the thoughts again and freaks me out.
Do you need to show a passport when stopped at a border patrol checkpoint even if you are inside US?
I mean a border patrol checkpoint that is well within US territory. Would you be arrested if you do not have a passport?. Like if you are traveling from San Diego to Los Angeles for example and you get stopped at a border patrol checkpoint even though you never left the US.
I took 40 benadryls this one time and i was really confused, unable to think?
long story short: i took 40 benadryls this one day to get high . I was so uncoordinated, couldnt remember what was said to me 10 seconds before, so confused that i didnt know what was going on, and i couldnt think logically, like it literally felt like i had the brain of a young child. now a question: if i had taken the Weschler intelligence test while intoxicated by it, is it possible that my iq would have measured below 70, i have an slightly above average iq (officially tested) of 120 sober,
Has anyone received their Cambridge Checkpoint results yet? Do you know how I can get mine?
I gave the Checkpoints in May, the results are due around now and I can't wait for them, it's just too much suspense. I know I'll get them when I go back to school but that's far too long to wait. Please help.
IMPORTANT and somewhat urgent question about u.s. immigration for spanish class?
Have multiple checkpoints where they check cars at, and have each specific area check a certain area in the car!
Perhaps a fools journey intruding, will you comment at least?
I know you have been attacked her and I sympathize. But never let it keep you from telling stories to those who like to hear them. This was lovely. Best wishes to you and yours.
Do you want free iTunes or Amazon cash?
Download Checkpoints on the app store, and enter Juicebag21 as the promo code while signing up. You choose either kind of money, and it gives you a gift card code. This is NOT a joke, and don't ask me if it is. You don't want the money, don't do it. Simple as that.
Do we have any chance being together? Need help !?
Sorry but no no no no no. I live in the US and trust me this guy is not interested. i'm sorry but its true. he never meant anything he said before, he just wanted dirty pictures of you. He used you. If i were you, id be grateful if he never talked to me again. He doesn't love you, he loves your beauty. He got a gf cause you are on the other side of the world and just a dirty fling on the computer. Forget this guy. Really. It's whats best. He's not your forever, you've never really had him in the first place. Sorry this is super harsh, but i'm just trying to stop you from hurting yourself anymore. Forget him.
06 VW Jetta: Front driver side window was stuck down. Call dealership?
The dealership won't take blame for the window first of all. And it sounds like your window my just be sticking. You could always lube the track and hope it doesn't happen again. My window in my truck has done that since i bought it in 2003 and still does it now and then. I spray the track with grease and it works great for another couple years.
Has a police officer ever arrested someone for obstruction only to find the person was deaf ?
I didn't have a clue what the trooper was saying i asked him to repeat himself and that I couldnt hear what he was saying ! He thought I was lying and arrested me for obstruction. It was a mere traffic stop at a safety checkpoint and i was a backseat passenger . i had know idea the trooper was even talking to me in the first place ! I finally heard him say to give him my ID and when i first heard him say it i retrieved it and he said "TOO LATE NOW!" off to jail I went ! Pled Not guilty have a bench trial next month ! Should I just bring my VA paper work showing my hearing loss ?
Is there immigration checkpoints on the way to Las Vegas Ca.?
When you are travelling from LV to LA...there is a little checkpoint but not immigration...Just a little checking on the car...
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Palestinian Israeli conflict,do any of you feel its right the way The Palestinians are treated?
Since I went over there and seen it with my own eyes,Im just curious what thoughts people have on that.Anyone objects see it for yourself youtube checkpoints in isreal and you could see and understand what Im talking about .Just curious.
About Mental Strength...?
After 5-10 days of no sleep, you die. Everyone has a different tolerance to I am somewhat the same way as you are. I find it hard to understand what people feel, always interpreting people wrong and I feel no empathy for anything...sometimes I feel like an empty vale wandering about. But then, I have been diagnosed as a Psychopath. And I sleep pretty well, you can set a air horn or blow something up beside me and I wont wake..just wake up later with a sore ear.
Why does my dog only talk when we're alone?
Like when I first found out he can speak I told my friends to come over and he made a fool out of me by not talking. Why is that?
Can i trust video reward center ? please go . they say if i complete the survey i 'll get ipad 2 . and i need to comfirm with sms . please . i don't want they fooling me .
How do i get my parents to quit freaking out about me going on a roadtrip with my boyfriend this summer?
me and my boyfriend want to go on a roadtrip this summer between our sophomore and junior years of college. my parents disapprove. greatly. i'm trying to keep their approval because i cant afford to pay for college myself. my parents are concerned that if we go on a roadtrip, it will be nothing but an excuse for us to have sex in several different states. first of all, its none of their business what two consenting adults in a committed relationship do, but i could see why the idea would disturb them. however, i'm planning on waiting til marriage to have sex, and my boyfriend respects this. is there any way to get my parents to see that there is absolutely no reason why i should wait a few more years before going on a fantastic roadtrip, just so that i can get married and not disturb their rules of propriety? how can i get them to consider this logically instead of their brains automatically screaming "that boy will deflower our princess" every time i mention the word roadtrip
I'm scared of getting my first kiss, any advice?
Don't be so desperate it will happen when it will happen. And you don't have to kiss a girl to learn how to do it. It just comes naturally!
How do I defeat Rayquaza in Pokemon Red Rescue Team with a Cyndaquil and a Chikorita?
I'm trying to defeat Rayquaza in red rescue team with a Cyndaquil as a starter and Chikorita as a partner. I saved at the checkpoint already. Most people are probably just going to say to use Smokescreen. I already know that. I am level 29 and my partner is level 28. My Cyndaquil knows Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Hidden Power, and Flame Wheel. My partner, Chikorita, knows PoisonPowder, Tackle (Linked with PoisonPowder), Razor Leaf, and Synthesis. Normally I would use a link box and link all 4 of my moves together on a boss, but I don't have a link box. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
2 ?s: Just how difficult of an area of study would you say Computer Science is, & job avail (more inside)?
There are various areas of CS, just as in say Nursing. What little you know about computers will be of little help in advanced CS. How are your math skills and do you like calc? You will be spending a lot of time in higher mathematics and computations. Computers and computer science are both progressing geometrically, there will always be work for the qualified individual. I would perhaps look for an accredited program I could take from a semi-local university mostly online.
How do I deal with pent up anger toward my psychotic mom?
Hello, I am 17 years old and this anger has been building inside of me for years. I am seething mad at my abusive and neglectful mom, how my childhood has been relatively wasted, and how she could get away with it all. First, PLEASE, NO GUSHY SYMPATHY, just advice. I don't like that kind of attention, and the details are just examples of where my anger is coming from. Mom is incredibly immature and irresponsible, and can always find someone else to blame for her mistakes. All my life, our house has been cramped with her clutter, and incredibly filthy. The floors are caked with filth, and she leaves trash everywhere. She allows her many precious dogs to crap and pee all over the floor (we have 6 dogs--she allowed them to breed and at one point we had 9, sharing a house w/ 5 people. The noise and filth was unbelievable.) When I confronted her about it (we never wanted any of the dogs she brought into the house, let alone to breed) she screamed that it wasn't her fault, and said, "Fine then! If you want them out of here so bad, then I'll just take them to the vet and have them killed!" Whenever she is cornered about something, my mom makes some kind of extreme claim like the latter, and threatens suicide often. She made my childhood hell. I was fed mostly fast food and junk food, and I became underweight, thin and very sick by 4th grade. My dad worked 3 jobs to support the family, so he wasn't around very much and I was left with her. I was mostly isolated as a little kid, not allowed to do sports or afterschool things, and not allowed to have friends over (because of the messy house). Once she threw my sister and I out of the house when I was about 7, my sister 10. She dropped out of nursing school to pursue crazy, unrealistic and unreliable jobs such as breeding dogs/goldfish, taping dog shows, spinning dog hair into yarn and knitting sweaters with it, web design, selling kayaks, etc. She has run up tens of thousands of dollars in her latest escapade (selling dolls) and has extorted no less than $50,000 from my father (ironically, this is the tuition for the premedical universityI want to go to. Now, I must pay for college all on my own, since my father has told me he has no money left) because she got tied up in credit that put our house at stake for forclosure. When she feels like it, she will pick out something stupid and insignificant about me (like my hair, my clothes, my shoes, the way I talk on the phone, the way I walk across the room), or simply make something up. A common occurance: She will walk in the room, I will say hello to her, and she will walk by without a word and sit down. Then, she will lay into me about how I never greet her when she walks in! When I am sick, or in distress, she mocks me. Once, when I was 15, she demanded that I accompany her on a 3 or 4 day long kayak trip as her shore crew, and that I would have to hitch-hike car rides with strange men to get to each checkpoint. When my father confronted her about it, she loudly denounced him and screamed at me in my face that I was a "coward, running to her father". Once, when I told her dog urine from the floor had been splashed into my eyes and that they were sticky and burning the day after, she didn't even blink, or care. She has often said, "I'm not your mother!". When she gets in a rage, my mom will scream insults and throw things. She shook me one time, when I asked her to pick her clothes up off the floor. Despite never having made a real income her whole life, leaching off my father, she criticizes me for having my dad pay for school trips, etc. I am a full time student, I take many AP classes, I am the 1st chair french horn player at my school's top band, I have won many essay contests (including one where I got to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns in DC), I am in the top 1% of my class, a member of NHS, the president of my school Speech & Debate team, etc, just for starters. Ironically, mom loathes me because I didn't drop my extracurriculars to work for her business (she can't afford employees), and rails at my father to make me drop things. I am incredibly mad at my mom for doing this to my house and family, and especially because she could get away with it all. Apparently, she has made a few sympathetic friends via Facebook (she has made up a big story about how we are a terrible family and abuse her) and now she is preparing to move to Wales with these friends. We have had 4 different cases filed with the child protective services, and I currently see a psychologist (a result of case #4) mom hand picked to tell her the family problem was my fault (though ironically, the psychologist concluded that most of the problem was mom, who upon hearing this refuses to see the doctor and calls her a "quack"). The doctor told me the only way I can give her justice is to keep hating her, because she'll have lost the love of her child, but the inj
Does that old fool, Vince Cable wish that he'd kept his mouth shut now that Murdoch looks set to acquire BSkyB?
Yup. That uppity 'minister for the Crown' gonna find out who rules a bit quick. That's a cabinet minister who will wish he never came out of the bathroom cabinet. ( i wonder if he went shooting his lip off anywhere else recently - like on the telephone perhaps?)
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