Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Does acne go away as you get further into adulthood?

I'm a 19 year old girl... and all my friends have had their acne problems through high school, but have gone away now (i still don't know what their skin looks like without makeup)... I had fairly clear skin back then, but ever since the last 1 1/2 year, my skin has started to break out, especially right before the time of the month. I do everything I can; my diet is very healthy, exercise everyday, sleep well, i'm not stressed out, I wash my face twice a day, moisturize once a day and use a toner...etc. I basically fool-proof my skin but every few days I always get at least one or two new pimples! I envy my parents, as they don't really care about their skin or diet yet they have flawless skin without having to use any products. I don't want my skin to clear-up in their age, lol. I really hope that it will in the coming years. So from experience, do you know if acne problems usually do go away later on? If so, at around what age did your skin clear up?

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