Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Should I stay or should I leave her?

I am in a nice steady relationship with this girl. Well, it started kind of fast, but she opened up to me about her past and I did the same. At the time I was very ill and going through treatment, and she helped me through it. But just recently she has been telling me she wants to go get tested for HPV and HIV and all these other STD's because of her past casual sexual relationships. She used to be a "womanizer"- she slept with women and in addition to that slept with 5 dudes in the past. 5 is too much for me. In my opinion no lesbian should have to sleep with 5 to make up her mind.In my opinion she had slept with a lot of her friends that she is still friends with to this day and this makes me feel like it's too much for me and I can't even bring myself to be around them and look at them in the eye. I don't know if I can accept it or live with it. But I feel so sad and heartbroken over it. I love her. I really do. I want to be with her but I feel like I just can't fully trust her. I don't even want to sleep with her until she gets the test results back, although she is convinced that she is perfectly healthy. She used protection, she tells me. And she has gotten tested in the past. I want to get tested too to make sure that I am okay and she didn't pass anything on to me in case she did have something. I want to be with her but I can't help and doubt whether or not I should stay with her. Do I need counsel? I don't want to hurt her by telling her. But it seems I have no choice and I am scared. I can't decide if I should stay or go. Please help me assess this situation clearly and logically. I'm way too emotionally driven to take a big decision like this. I need some guidance.

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